The conference accepts papers containing research results that have not been published before. Reports that have been reviewed and included in the conference program will be recommended for publication in a collection of papers indexed in the RSCI.

The best works will also be recommended for publication in such journals as:

  1. System Administrator (journal for the exchange of practical experience in the field of applied systems programming, included in the RSCI)
  2. Software Engineering (articles on design, construction, architecture, quality assurance and program support, included in the RSCI, VAK list)
  3. Proceedings of the V.P. Ivannikov RAS (included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation)
  4. Programming (included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, indexed by Web of Science, Scopus and other indices)
  5. Scientific Visualization(materials published in the journal cover various aspects of the development and practical use of tools and methods for computer visualization of scientific data, included in the RSCI, indexed by Scopus)
  6. Light & Engineering. Today, Light&Engineering is the oldest lighting engineering magazine and one of the top three publications on this subject in the world. Its English version «Light & Engineering», published since 1993, is included in all the world’s key scientometric databases — Scopus, Web of Science and the domestic RSCI)
  7. Automation and simulation in design and management, providing an open platform for original, published for the first time results of research in the field of automation and control of technological processes and production (in industry); management in organizational systems; mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages; electrical complexes and systems, is included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
  8. Automation in industry, aimed at specialists in industrial automation. These are industrial enterprises, customers of automation tools and systems, manufacturers of software and hardware automation tools, integrator firms, design and engineering organizations, educational institutions, departments of automation, all organizations specializing in the development, improvement, implementation and operation of software and hardware in production. , software and hardware complexes and grassroots equipment, i.e. of all components necessary for the creation of modern and modernization of existing production automation systems, is included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
  9. Large systems management (a collection of works by scientists involved in the development and research of mathematical models for managing large (socio-economic, organizational, organizational-technical, etc.) systems, is included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, RSCI)
  10. Sensors and systems(the journal publishes versatile information about sensors, instruments and systems for measuring, monitoring, control, is included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation) and etc.
  11. Geometry and Graphics is a scientific journal devoted to the problems of geometry, drawing, computer graphics, teaching graphic disciplines and other topics related to geometry and graphics. Included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (category K2).
  12. Proceedings of NSTU im. R.E. Alekseeva is a peer-reviewed scientific and technical journal consisting of three sections reflecting the results of applied and fundamental research. The priority thematic areas are: computer science and management, systems analysis, electric power, nuclear power, mechanical engineering, transport. The main content consists of scientific articles, scientific reviews, reviews and reviews. The relevance of the journal is determined by the need to create a comprehensive communicative space for the management of scientific and technical information, trends in integration into the Russian and world scientific space. Included in the RSCI, the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (category K1)

The decision on publication is made by the Conference Program Committee.

The final decision on publication in the journal is made by the journal’s editorial board.

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